What is ADB?
ADB stands for the android debugging bridge and is used for testing and debugging purposes by developers.
However, we like to get more out of our devices, and its a great way to fix things.
Knowing adb can mean the difference between a paperweight and a working phone.
Now let's start.
1. Install the adnroid sdk to your pc from here
2. Install andoid sdk
3. Now open it and select usb drivers and install it.
Once its done close it.
4. Go to C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
5. Now click shift+right click
6. Click open command prompt
7. Now connect your device via usb to your computer
8. Once its connected write to the command promt adb devices a nuber must appeared. If yes you are alright.
Some usefull commands are:
use it like this
copy files fro your sd card
Copy files from your pc to your device
install apk from your pc
this will install apk file from your pc to your phone
These are some usefull commands.
If you want more check the adb page here
ADB stands for the android debugging bridge and is used for testing and debugging purposes by developers.
However, we like to get more out of our devices, and its a great way to fix things.
Knowing adb can mean the difference between a paperweight and a working phone.
Now let's start.
1. Install the adnroid sdk to your pc from here
2. Install andoid sdk
3. Now open it and select usb drivers and install it.
Once its done close it.
4. Go to C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
5. Now click shift+right click
6. Click open command prompt
7. Now connect your device via usb to your computer
8. Once its connected write to the command promt adb devices a nuber must appeared. If yes you are alright.
Some usefull commands are:
adb pullthis command can be used to cpy files from your device
use it like this
adb pull /mnt/sdcrad/filename
copy files fro your sd card
Copy files from your pc to your device
adb push
adb push C:\adnroid.jpg /mnt/sdcard/This will copy the jpg file to your sd card
install apk from your pc
adb install
this will install apk file from your pc to your phone
adb install C:\calendar.apk
These are some usefull commands.
If you want more check the adb page here
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